

MÉDIAS Aucun résultat La page demandée est introuvable. Essayez d'affiner votre recherche ou utilisez le panneau de navigation ci-dessus pour localiser l'article. Proactivité Numérique (Ingéniérie & solutions informatiques) Sécurité & Expertises...
Specific Vehicles

Specific Vehicles

Equipments   Specific Vehicles DELCROIX disposes of a fleet of specific vehicles, for permanent hire and designed according to your demand. ADR multi-trailer carriers Hookloader carriers   IS & Engineering Safety and Expertise In-Service Training Contact...


Equipments   Tautliner Payload: 24 T Volume: 33 Europ pallets ADR   Charge utile : Correction de trajectoire (ABS – EBS+) Bâche sécurisée Rideaux latéraux coulissants Toit coulissant Equipement d’arrimage complet (sangles, équerres d’arrimage,...
Walking-floor tippers

Walking-floor tippers

Equipments   Walking-floor tippers Thanks to the moving floor, loading/unloading can be operated without tipping the trailer and allows it to be operated on unstable terrain and/or on a site that is not very high. Its floor, made of slats activated alternatively...
Waterproof Tippers

Waterproof Tippers

Equipments   Waterproof Tippers DELCROIX disposes of 30 entirely water-tight trailers ranging from 45 to 68 m3 for the transport of paste products or that could spill. Designed by DELCROIX, this material answers the numerous needs of the “environment” markets....