Specific Vehicles
Equipments Specific Vehicles DELCROIX disposes of a fleet of specific vehicles, for permanent hire and designed according to your demand. ADR multi-trailer carriers Hookloader carriers IS & Engineering Safety and Expertise In-Service Training Contact...
Equipments Tautliner Payload: 24 T Volume: 33 Europ pallets ADR Charge utile : Correction de trajectoire (ABS – EBS+) Bâche sécurisée Rideaux latéraux coulissants Toit coulissant Equipement d’arrimage complet (sangles, équerres d’arrimage,...
Walking-floor tippers
Equipments Walking-floor tippers Thanks to the moving floor, loading/unloading can be operated without tipping the trailer and allows it to be operated on unstable terrain and/or on a site that is not very high. Its floor, made of slats activated alternatively...